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Engagement so far

As part of the early engagement on our vision, we have met with key stakeholders, local groups, residents’ associations and our closest neighbours.

Our project team has held a series of meetings with key stakeholders to introduce our vision and hear initial feedback. So far, we have met with:

Sydney Street and District Residents’ Association

The Chelsea Society

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Leader, Deputy Leader, Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment and Stanley Ward Councillor

South West London Integrated Care Board

Dovehouse Street Residents’ Association

Royal Avenue Residents’ Association

Felicity Buchan – MP for Kensington

NHS England

North West London Integrated Care Board

We are continuing to hold further stakeholder meetings. If you would like to meet with our team to discuss the proposals, please do get in touch with our consultation team on

Webinar for close neighbours

On 5 July 2022, we held a webinar for our closest neighbours on Stewart’s Grove, Sydney Street, Guthrie Street and Cale Street. The webinar provided an opportunity to hear more about our early vision for the proposed development and to ask any questions.

In this webinar we heard that the key priorities for local residents are:

Height and massing

Ensuring that both height and massing are in-keeping with the local area and respectful of the adjacent residential streets


Understanding of how waste management and the kitchens would be serviced via Stewart’s Grove


Ensuring residents can provide their feedback on the proposed designs

Our Chelsea location

Continuing to work with other NHS partners in the borough to explore opportunities to maximise our existing estate

Contact us


If you would like to contact our consultation team at this stage, please fill out the enquiry form below or use the Freephone line or email address and a member of the team will respond to you.

Phone Number

0800 092 1866
